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Dynamic group not processing

We are seeing random issues where random dynamic group are not processing new users. Upon research, I found out "Service to evaluate and apply rule changes" is empty. Immediately I pick a service server and hit rebuild, they start showing up. Why is this happening? Anyway to search ARS for dynamic groups without this information blank?

  • Possible reason: ARS Upgrade. Search all Dynamic Groups in ARS MMC and check/reset the current ARS01 server on each group.

  • Can I do this with PS? Thanks for your response

  • PS1 script - probably Yes. 

    Due criticality of DG feature and potential impact on AD security, during ARS Upgrade, I strongly recommend customer to use the chance to review the DG list and confirm it (Deprovision the legacy not needed anymore).

  • Thanks. I was able to run this command to get all dynamic group

    Get-QADGroup -LdapFilter '(edsaisdynamicgroup=True)' -IncludedProperties edsadgoriginatingservice,edsaisdynamicgroup -Proxy | Select-Object name,edsadgoriginatingservice,edsaisdynamicgroup | Export-csv C:\Users\5username\Desktop\Result.csv
    Then I run the following against groups without the attribute.
    $list = import-csv “C:\Users\username\Desktop\ScriptsInput\groupattribute.csv"
    foreach ($name in $list)
    Get-QADGroup -SamAccountName $name.sAMAccountName -IncludedProperties edsadgoriginatingservice,edsaisdynamicgroup -Proxy | Set-QADGroup -ObjectAttributes @{edsadgoriginatingservice="ServerName.domain.corp"}

  • Thanks. I was able to run this command to get all dynamic group

    Get-QADGroup -LdapFilter '(edsaisdynamicgroup=True)' -IncludedProperties edsadgoriginatingservice,edsaisdynamicgroup -Proxy | Select-Object name,edsadgoriginatingservice,edsaisdynamicgroup | Export-csv C:\Users\5username\Desktop\Result.csv
    Then I run the following against groups without the attribute.
    $list = import-csv “C:\Users\username\Desktop\ScriptsInput\groupattribute.csv"
    foreach ($name in $list)
    Get-QADGroup -SamAccountName $name.sAMAccountName -IncludedProperties edsadgoriginatingservice,edsaisdynamicgroup -Proxy | Set-QADGroup -ObjectAttributes @{edsadgoriginatingservice="ServerName.domain.corp"}

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