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Access Template not working

Dear all,

I am looking into restricting a user to only write one attribute which is msExchExtensionAttribute19

For this I created an access template with the following settings:

Apply Onto: Only the following classes: User

Permissions: Object Property access, ticked Read properties and Write properties

Object properties: The Folloing properties: msExchExtensionAttribute19

This access template has been applied to a Directoryobject using an AD group the user is member of and even applied to child objects.

However, when I use Powershell, I get an access denied.

PS is used the following way:

PS C:\> Connect-QADService -Proxy

ManagedDomains : {<domain_name}
Type : ARS
AdamContainer : CN=AD LDS (ADAM)
Parameters : ActiveRoles.ManagementShell.ConnectionParameters
RootDSE : rootDSE
BindFlags : None
DefaultNamingContext : CN=Active Directory
DefaultNamingContextDN : CN=Active Directory
ConfigurationNamingContext : CN=Configuration

PS C:\>

When trying to set the attribute I get:

PS C:\> Get-QADUser <username> | Set-QADUser -ObjectAttributes @{msExchExtensionAttribute19="foo"}
Set-QADUser : Access is denied.
At line:1 char:22
+ ... er <username> | Set-QADUser -ObjectAttributes @{msExchExtensionAttribute1 ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-QADUser], UnauthorizedAccessException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.UnauthorizedAccessException,ActiveRoles.ManagementShell.Powershell.Cmdlets.SetUse

Get is working fine. Thanks a lot for your ideas and support.