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Group Workflow - Initiate o365 License and Mailbox Creation

I may still be approaching this problem from the wrong angle, but I am looking at a workflow task that after a user is added to a group it kicks off a script to either apply an F1 or E3 license via o365 remote commands. The script itself works perfectly outside of ARS, and my struggle is passing the parameters I want into the script. Since I am doing this from a group workflow it appears $request and $workflow are not giving me the User Objects (or at least not easily from what I can see). I suppose this is because the $request.class is equal to "Group" which isnt surprising.

I know I could parse the group and add anyone who isn't licensed on the o365 side, but with our number of objects that is a couple hour processing time and I don't want it kicking off for each person added to the group. 

Open to any other ideas if anyone has worked with mailbox creation directly from ARS to o365 as well.

  • As far I know. MSFT BP is to manage on-prem AD\group_O365_lincense_F1, AD\group_O365_lincense_E3, On backend MSFT AADConnect will sync the onprem AD\groups membership to lincense on O365 side.

    From AR standpoint. AR does not need to reach to AAD/O365. AR will have Management Workflow, automating onprem AD\group_O365_lincense_F1, E3 group membership = Function(Department, Office, Title, or VA_MyCompany_O365_license dropping list). The AR OOB automation options: (a) Dynamic Groups, (2) Automated Group membership Policy, (3) Workflow onDemand.

  • Managing the groups is fine, they replicate up to Azure, but that doesn't do the licensing task. From the way my thinking is working at the moment, in a Group Membership workflow is there a variable I can use to pull the Target Users being added to the group?