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Slow ARS Performance

One of our 4 ARS is very slow. The database team is seeing below query sent over and over to the database and causing the database server CPU to spike. Anyone know what it is? If we restart service, it stops for second and start again, and if they kill the query, it starts almost immediately again. And the date changes but way in 2015.

SELECT TOP 51 o.[guid]
    SELECT m0.[operation]
    FROM (
        SELECT DISTINCT [guid] AS [operation]
        FROM [WfSharedOperations]
        WHERE [modified] >= '2015-03-12 09:11:12.370'
        ) AS m0
        SELECT DISTINCT [guid] AS [operation]
        FROM [WfSharedOperations]
        WHERE [modified] <= '2015-03-12 09:41:12.370'
        ) AS m1 ON m0.[operation] = m1.[operation]
        SELECT DISTINCT [operation]
        FROM [WfOperationValues]
        WHERE [property] = '7685382F-71A4-4E1A-8485-CDA6D46F1888'
            AND [value_short] = 'Completed'
        ) AS m2 ON m0.[operation] = m2.[operation]
    ) AS k
INNER JOIN [WfOperations] AS o ON k.[operation] = o.[guid]
WHERE 1 = 1
ORDER BY o.[modified] DESC
    ,o.[guid] ASC