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ARS Upgrade

We have our existing database servers migrated from Microsoft SQL Server 2012 to Microsoft SQL Server 2016.

We want to build new app server with windows 2016. 

Can we install ARS new version 7.3 in windows 2016 and map the data base to Microsoft SQL Server 2016.

Can we use the same database for multiple ARS servers independently. 

If yes, Could you please provide us specific steps to be followed for this requirement.

Appreciate your help on this. Thank you.



  • Upgrade is time to switch underlying Windows OS and backend SQL,

    Moving legacy DB to new SQL is not required. New ARS will create own DB and import data (config and change history) from the legacy DB.

    I would recommend to engage PSO to plan and execute upgrade smooth and minimum-risk with Roll back (if needed). ARS is *Enterprise* level AD Security Management and Compliance Application - quit a change control against IT environment (?).

    ARS PDF manuals provide a very good start to look at upgrade from a right angle. 

  • Couple of thoughts here:

    As Aidar noted, the new version install needs a new database - it will copy the data from the old one to the new one for you.  SQL 2016 is fine if that's the platform you are using.

    As to your question:

    Can we use the same database for multiple ARS servers independently. 

    You can point multiple AR servers to one database however they all must be running the same version and, I would recommend only doing this if:

    A) Your SQL server is very powerful
    B) It implements high availability (like clustering for example)

    Otherwise, I usually recommend one SQL server per AR server with replication between them.  There is a separate PDF in the document set on the subject of setting up replication if you ultimately choose to go that way.

    The "PSO" that Aidar refers to is how Quest refers to consulting services - you can get these from Quest or a qualified Partner.  It is a good idea if you are working in an organization of any size where Active Roles plays an important role in IT.