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Web Interface Link Icons not showing

I added a link and an icon in the web interface.  The link works but the PNG file I uploaded doesn't appear to be working.  I was having trouble with Edge and IE so I switched to Chrome.  Chrome shows the image from the system I configured from.  I have multiple web interfaces load balanced.  I restarted the Application Pool to see if that helped but it didn't.

I'm still trying to fully understand what happens when making changes to the web interface.  I think the changes are stored in the AR database.  If so are images as well?

  • On the server where you configured the pictures, there is a directory which is, by default, located at C:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\7.3\Web\Public\CustomImages

    Copy the contents of this directory to all Active Roles Web Interface nodes, in the same location. Once the files are in place, the images will work on all nodes.

  • On the server where you configured the pictures, there is a directory which is, by default, located at C:\Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\7.3\Web\Public\CustomImages

    Copy the contents of this directory to all Active Roles Web Interface nodes, in the same location. Once the files are in place, the images will work on all nodes.

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