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Active Roles New-QADUser Error

I am running the following command and getting the error indicated but I am unable to find out what the cause is. Does anybody have any ideas please?

The error generates a 2703 entry in the EDM Application Event Log. But this just repeats the error below. What does this error mean please?


PS C:\Windows\system32>  "New-QADUser -name "Workday, Fraser" -ParentContainer "OU=_Workday_Temp,DC=kt,DC=group,DC=local" -samaccountname "WorkdayF"-userprincipalname "" -UserPassword ************ (password is in clear text) -Description "Business Integrationist" -Title "Business Integrationist" -FirstName "Fraser" -LastName "Workday" -displayName "Workday, Fraser" -Office "Warwick (USA)" -Department "Technology"-Company "Kantar Public" -City "Warwick" -StateOrProvince "RI" -StreetAddress "100 Quaker Lane" -PostalCode "02886" -Manager "CN=Workday\, Exemplia2,OU=USERS,OU=MLP,OU=UK,DC=kt,DC=group,DC=local" -ObjectAttributes @{kITPattribute7='Y';VaPso_MailboxType='Regular';VAPso_MsolAccountSku='KTGLBUC:ENTERPRISEPACK';edsaUPNPrefix="Fraser.Workday";edsaUPNSuffix="@" + "";employeeID="999990027";employeeType="Employee";street="100 Quaker Lane";c = "US";co = "United States of America";countryCode = "840" }


New-QADUser : The server is unwilling to process the request.

Administration Service encountered an error when creating the object 'CN=Workday\, Fraser,OU=_Workday_Temp,DC=kt,DC=group,DC=local'.

Could not load file or assembly 'System.ServiceModel' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

At line:1 char:1

+ New-QADUser -name "Workday, Fraser" -ParentContainer "OU=_Workday_Tem ...

+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [New-QADUser], COMException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException,Quest.ActiveRoles.ArsPowerShellSnapIn.Powershell.Cmdlets.NewUserCmdlet