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Lockdown web interface

When installing the web interface there are three version of the site.  Admin, Helpdesk and Self Service.  I want to ensure I don't allow access to regular users to the Admin and Helpdesk interface.  Is there a way to lockdown the interface to a group?

  • What a timely topic David.

    We're investigating the same.

    Interested to see how others approached the issue.  We're currently taking baby steps.

    We created a new site under IIS Server\Sites node to keep impact away from the interfaces that are live under a sister site node in IIS Manager.

    We've set a custom port, and gave a custom name to differentiate between the production site and the test secure site.

    In looking through IIS documentation, they do have a method to specify which AD groups are allowed to access a particular site  ...

    in web.config

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
                    <add accessType="Allow" roles="myDomain\myGroup01" />
                    <add accessType="Allow" roles="myDomain\myGroup02" />

    Like I said, we're at the beginning, taking baby steps here ... so any shared experience from those that have gone through the exercise is appreciated!

  • What a timely topic David.

    We're investigating the same.

    Interested to see how others approached the issue.  We're currently taking baby steps.

    We created a new site under IIS Server\Sites node to keep impact away from the interfaces that are live under a sister site node in IIS Manager.

    We've set a custom port, and gave a custom name to differentiate between the production site and the test secure site.

    In looking through IIS documentation, they do have a method to specify which AD groups are allowed to access a particular site  ...

    in web.config

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                    <remove users="*" roles="" verbs="" />
                    <add accessType="Allow" roles="myDomain\myGroup01" />
                    <add accessType="Allow" roles="myDomain\myGroup02" />

    Like I said, we're at the beginning, taking baby steps here ... so any shared experience from those that have gone through the exercise is appreciated!

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