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Lockdown web interface

When installing the web interface there are three version of the site.  Admin, Helpdesk and Self Service.  I want to ensure I don't allow access to regular users to the Admin and Helpdesk interface.  Is there a way to lockdown the interface to a group?

  • my suggestion.

    In general. There is no need to luck down AR WI. AR WI is just a client and AR Delegation Roles is supposed to lock the security for any client (AR MMC, WI, scripts) anyway.

    AR WI is Itranet only and *not* exposed to Internet.

    IIS security. AR WI ApplPool runs under IIS server default local IIS account account with limited local rights.

    You may additionally ACL IIS folder with AR WI files allowing Read for dedicated AD\ARS_Users_Group - the standard way to lock any IIS website.

  • Not sure of Davids specific use-case here, but you've worked with us before Aidar ... we like to shoot ourselves in the foot and then come to  you for better fitting shoes.

    In my case, We have delegated everyone view all across all interfaces.  Only change-rights are delegated to groups.

    Now, for one specific site, we're asked to lock-down that site so only people with privileged access can connect.  That's where this comes in to play for me.

    Which specific folder Aidar?
    \Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\7.3\Web\public\Interfaces\<lockeMEdownsite>

  • Not sure of Davids specific use-case here, but you've worked with us before Aidar ... we like to shoot ourselves in the foot and then come to  you for better fitting shoes.

    In my case, We have delegated everyone view all across all interfaces.  Only change-rights are delegated to groups.

    Now, for one specific site, we're asked to lock-down that site so only people with privileged access can connect.  That's where this comes in to play for me.

    Which specific folder Aidar?
    \Program Files\One Identity\Active Roles\7.3\Web\public\Interfaces\<lockeMEdownsite>
