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Lockdown web interface

When installing the web interface there are three version of the site.  Admin, Helpdesk and Self Service.  I want to ensure I don't allow access to regular users to the Admin and Helpdesk interface.  Is there a way to lockdown the interface to a group?

Parents Reply
  • Technically, you should be able to filter by ATs only.  (Notwithstanding the physical presence of the Active Directory and other nodes).  I can't understand how you would see one thing in the MMC and something different in the web.  The data layer is the same.  Are you possibly having some replication latency in your AR configuration?  This I have seen.

  • I doubt replication issues.  It's a small environment with a single service. 

    If you tell me that AD structure is filtered out for you then I'll open a helpdesk case. 

  • I don't know how you manage the visibility of AD but I recommend separate ATs for visibility vs for tasks and property editing on objects.  As a rule, I don't use the built-in ATs because most grant visibility rights that I prefer to control explicitly.

  • Still haven't told me if your web interface filters out AD just like the MMC.  :)

  • The Active Directory node in the Navigation Pane in the Active Roles Web Interface is hard-coded and cannot be hidden.

    However, the entire Navigation Pane can be hidden, and then a new button added on the Web Interface Home page to go directly to Managed Units.

    1) In the Active Roles Console, choose Mode | Raw Mode.

    2) Navigate to Configuration/Application Configuration/Web Interface

    3) Modify either an Admin or HelpDesk site (this cannot be done on a Self Service Site)

    4) Expand the site, then find Interface Settings and WorkingCopy. Right-click on WorkingCopy and choose All Tasks | Advanced Properties

    5) Find edsaWISettings

    6) Inside this attribute, find this xml section:

    <UIPolicy ID="Default"

    7) Change ShowNavigationPane to "false"

    8) Log into the same Web Interface Site as an Active Directory Administration and choose Customization | Reload to post the changes

    9) On the Home page, add a new button which links to this URL:


    10) When adding the button, expand Advanced Properties and deselect the option to Open the URL in a frame.