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Lockdown web interface

When installing the web interface there are three version of the site.  Admin, Helpdesk and Self Service.  I want to ensure I don't allow access to regular users to the Admin and Helpdesk interface.  Is there a way to lockdown the interface to a group?

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  • I don't know how you manage the visibility of AD but I recommend separate ATs for visibility vs for tasks and property editing on objects.  As a rule, I don't use the built-in ATs because most grant visibility rights that I prefer to control explicitly.

  • Still haven't told me if your web interface filters out AD just like the MMC.  :)

  • The Active Directory node in the Navigation Pane in the Active Roles Web Interface is hard-coded and cannot be hidden.

    However, the entire Navigation Pane can be hidden, and then a new button added on the Web Interface Home page to go directly to Managed Units.

    1) In the Active Roles Console, choose Mode | Raw Mode.

    2) Navigate to Configuration/Application Configuration/Web Interface

    3) Modify either an Admin or HelpDesk site (this cannot be done on a Self Service Site)

    4) Expand the site, then find Interface Settings and WorkingCopy. Right-click on WorkingCopy and choose All Tasks | Advanced Properties

    5) Find edsaWISettings

    6) Inside this attribute, find this xml section:

    <UIPolicy ID="Default"

    7) Change ShowNavigationPane to "false"

    8) Log into the same Web Interface Site as an Active Directory Administration and choose Customization | Reload to post the changes

    9) On the Home page, add a new button which links to this URL:


    10) When adding the button, expand Advanced Properties and deselect the option to Open the URL in a frame.