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Message of the day for the web interface.

We are moving to ARS for AD management.

I'm looking for a way to communicate to users when there has been a change to the interface.

Does ARS have any "message of the day" or news features? 

  • No.

    I Like, I Want ... but not currently included in the product.

    Following the rabbit trail ... since the product doesn't support a true MOTD banner,  I've done something similar to the way twitter users do to get past the character limits in their tweets.

    The logo graphics in the upper left corner of the web interface can be set to your own graphic.

    I've used that to paste a red banner/white text to notify of pending downtime.

    Crude, and requires some creativity - but works in a pinch.

  • No.

    I Like, I Want ... but not currently included in the product.

    Following the rabbit trail ... since the product doesn't support a true MOTD banner,  I've done something similar to the way twitter users do to get past the character limits in their tweets.

    The logo graphics in the upper left corner of the web interface can be set to your own graphic.

    I've used that to paste a red banner/white text to notify of pending downtime.

    Crude, and requires some creativity - but works in a pinch.
