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Importing value to edsvaSecondaryOwners

I have a csv file with 2 columns, samaccountname and edsvaSecondaryOwners (in DN format, and it points to a separate account not equal to the samacountname in the same file).

Trying to read the csv file, and import the edsvaSecondaryOwners value in the file to the attribute edsvaSecondaryOwners of the target samaccountname.  But it doesn't work.  No error message, instead it listed the accounts that I am trying to change, and the actual DN of the account (not the value that I want to set to .. I am stupid here.  Please help.  

Here is the command that I ran:

import-csv .\secondaryOwners.csv | foreach {set-qaduser $_.samaccountname -objectAttributes @{edsvaSecondaryOwners=@($_.edsvaSecondaryOwners)}}

  • Hi,

    The edsvaSecondaryOwners attribute is normally only present for Group type objects; I don't know exactly what's inside your CSV but the "Set-QADUser" in your command makes me think you're trying to apply a Secondary owner to a user object? Please make sure your input file contains groups and you use the Set-QADGroup command and it should work!

  • In the AR schema, user objects do have the SecondaryOwners attribute.  The question on my mind is "What is the use case you are trying to fulfill by assigning them?"

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