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   Is there a way to access the administrator name making the request via the IsCommandAvailable so we can tailor menu options based on the administrator?


  • Hi Nicholas,

    As a workaround to sort of trick this into working, you can do the following:

    • Create a new virtual attribute, any type and not stored. You can name this something along the lines of "Command_Availability_CommandName" to keep it simple to remember. (Reconnect the MMC and restart IIS)
    • Create an access template to allow modify of this new virtual attribute.
    • Assign the access template to the appropriate administrator or group.
    • In the web interface on the visibility tab when modifying the command, select the second option, "If the user has sufficient rights and the object selected by the user meets each of the following conditions". Under that section, in the list for "The user is allowed to modify each of these properties of the selected object:", click the Add button and add the new virtual attribute.

    So the above with then check if the logged in administrator has access to modify the new virtual attribute, and if they do based on the access template, the command will be displayed.

    Keep in mind though, if the other administrators have 'Modify - All Properties' that's propagated to the object, the command will also be displayed. So you may have to deal with this by denying access for everyone else.

  • Hi Nicholas,

    As a workaround to sort of trick this into working, you can do the following:

    • Create a new virtual attribute, any type and not stored. You can name this something along the lines of "Command_Availability_CommandName" to keep it simple to remember. (Reconnect the MMC and restart IIS)
    • Create an access template to allow modify of this new virtual attribute.
    • Assign the access template to the appropriate administrator or group.
    • In the web interface on the visibility tab when modifying the command, select the second option, "If the user has sufficient rights and the object selected by the user meets each of the following conditions". Under that section, in the list for "The user is allowed to modify each of these properties of the selected object:", click the Add button and add the new virtual attribute.

    So the above with then check if the logged in administrator has access to modify the new virtual attribute, and if they do based on the access template, the command will be displayed.

    Keep in mind though, if the other administrators have 'Modify - All Properties' that's propagated to the object, the command will also be displayed. So you may have to deal with this by denying access for everyone else.

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