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How to access source domain from ARS


I have recently added a source domain in the ARS by configuring the service account. Is there a way I can start managing that domain from the ARS console ? because currently I can only view the source domain...

  • Assuming you mean - "How do I add new\additional domains to the console for management"

    - navigate to the path "Configuration \ Server Configuration" and locate 'Managed Domains' in the exposed node.

    - right-click over "Managed Domains' and choose "New \ Managed Domain" and follow the prompts.

  • Assuming you mean - "How do I add new\additional domains to the console for management"

    - navigate to the path "Configuration \ Server Configuration" and locate 'Managed Domains' in the exposed node.

    - right-click over "Managed Domains' and choose "New \ Managed Domain" and follow the prompts.

  • I have added the new domain, the question was more from "How can I manage it?" because right now I can only view the new/additional domain and cannot manage (create/delete/reset etc)

  • Is your connected account in the group you setup as the 'Active Roles Admin' -  configured during setup?  

     Check 'Active Roles 7.3 Quick Start Guide' - pages 8  and 17

    And - Role Based Administration from Active Roles 7.3 Administration Guide - page 85

  • I did add the override Service Account in the Domain Admin of the managed domain (as per the guide) but still getting access denied when trying to make changes..

  • Something tells me a similar question came up on this forum in the relatively recent past ...
    Delegation issues can be very frustrating to troubleshoot - but keep at it.  Someone else here will chime in. It's late for me - and I'm off to count electric sheep.

    Try this search link - type in your relevant terms and see if the published resources here give you any relief.[Active%20Roles]&f:supportandservices=[FAQ,Solution]

  • As per the docs it says to make the override SA the domain admin of the managed domain but it is not working, nothing much available on the forums ...

    Anyone who can guide me...

  • Are you getting access denied within the Active Roles user interface?

    What are the Active Roles permissions of the account you are testing with - is it an Active Roles admin or a delegated user / trustee?

    If the latter, can you tell us a bit about how you have setup your delegation - is the account a member of a trustee AD security group that you have delegated rights to in Active Roles by way of an Access Template?  If yes, what rights are in the Access Template you have used to setup the delegation?  Are you sure you are performing your test in the same OU where you have delegated the rights?

  • A further thought - did you restart the Active Roles Administrative Service after you added the account to the Domain Admins group?