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How to access source domain from ARS


I have recently added a source domain in the ARS by configuring the service account. Is there a way I can start managing that domain from the ARS console ? because currently I can only view the source domain...

  • This sounds like you are connecting in the Active Roles Console using an account which is not in the Active Roles Admin role group.

    Check in your Active Roles Configuration Center:

    Active Roles Configuration Center

    In this lab, I have the "Active Roles Admin" role group set to a custom domain group, TC3\Active Roles Admins

    The default group is Builtin\Administrators

    If the account which you are using to connect in the Active Roles Console is not a member of this group, then you only get the access which you are granted by delegated Access Templates.

    To confirm your account, right-click on the root in the Active Roles Console and check "About Active Roles" and then the "Technical Information" tab:

    Technical Information

    If your "Role" is not "Active Roles Admin", then you are not in the configured role group.

  • This sounds like you are connecting in the Active Roles Console using an account which is not in the Active Roles Admin role group.

    Check in your Active Roles Configuration Center:

    Active Roles Configuration Center

    In this lab, I have the "Active Roles Admin" role group set to a custom domain group, TC3\Active Roles Admins

    The default group is Builtin\Administrators

    If the account which you are using to connect in the Active Roles Console is not a member of this group, then you only get the access which you are granted by delegated Access Templates.

    To confirm your account, right-click on the root in the Active Roles Console and check "About Active Roles" and then the "Technical Information" tab:

    Technical Information

    If your "Role" is not "Active Roles Admin", then you are not in the configured role group.

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