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How to filter a Workflow Parameter with a DN syntax? For the Web UI.

I have two workflows that I allow users to run via the Web client.  The workflow has a few parameters, one being a DN syntax.  In one workflow I need to have the object picker only see users and in the other workflow I need the object picker to see users and groups.  I have been able to filter it things down by editing the edsaWICommands XML and the "ObjectCustom" taskID.  But this changes the filter for both at the same time.  I need to be able to filter them individually.  Am I missing some easier way to filter DN Workflow Parameters to certain object classes?

  • I had attempted to accomplish something similar by using a script to return the DN values of the types of objects I wanted to see, but the web interface will not let you utilize the results of script where the MMC will. For the web, you have to Search for the object every time. An enhancement request has been created to help have the web interface behave like the MMC in this aspect. I have not (yet) tried to do what you have with editing the edsaWICommands XML. It's interesting to hear that the edits seem to affect all searches and not just a specific workflow.