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Modfy SID type virtual attributes from Powershell

I created a few virtual attributes of type SID (multi value) and want to populate them with some user SIDs through a script.

When I edit the attribute from the MMC or the WI, it works fine. It gives me a search window to select the object for which I want to add the SID and puts it in ok. I can then also read it ok from powershell.

But when I try to add object SIDs from Powershell, it turns it into a weired hash string and when I use powershell to then read the attribute it comes back with nothing.

I tried putting them in, in these formats (posting a cut-off version here):

Set-QADUser ftest11 -ObjectAttributes @{'edsva-testSID'='S-1-5-21-...'}
Set-QADUser ftest11 -ObjectAttributes @{'edsva-testSID'='\01\05\00\00\00\00...'}
Set-QADUser ftest11 -ObjectAttributes @{'edsva-testSID'='0105000000...'}

And when I look at change history, it shows them as something like 'MDEwNTAwMDAwM...'
While the change history of the ones I edited in the MMC or WI show the SID string 'S-1-5-21...'

Any idea how to maintain these attributes from powershell?

  • Look at the IEDMOctetString Interface in the ARS SDK, this should provide guidance when working with these values. 

    Below is a VBScript example from the SDK, it can be converted to Powershell fairly easily.

    'Set the User object's DN
    Const strDN="CN=Douglas P. Joyse,OU=Sales,DC=MyDomain,DC=local"
    ss="Object: " + strDN + vbNewLine + vbNewLine
    Set obj = GetObject("EDMS://" + strDN)
    Set OctetString=CreateObject("AelitaEDM.EDMOctetString")
    With OctetString
        .Set obj.Get("objectGUID")
        ss = ss + "GUID: " + .GetGuidString + vbNewLine
        ss = ss + "GUID length= " + Cstr(.Length) + " bytes" + vbNewLine
        .Set obj.Get("objectSid")
        ss = ss + "SID: " + .GetSidString + vbNewLine
        ss = ss + "SID length= " + Cstr(.Length) + " bytes" + vbNewLine
    End With
    MsgBox ss

  • Look at the IEDMOctetString Interface in the ARS SDK, this should provide guidance when working with these values. 

    Below is a VBScript example from the SDK, it can be converted to Powershell fairly easily.

    'Set the User object's DN
    Const strDN="CN=Douglas P. Joyse,OU=Sales,DC=MyDomain,DC=local"
    ss="Object: " + strDN + vbNewLine + vbNewLine
    Set obj = GetObject("EDMS://" + strDN)
    Set OctetString=CreateObject("AelitaEDM.EDMOctetString")
    With OctetString
        .Set obj.Get("objectGUID")
        ss = ss + "GUID: " + .GetGuidString + vbNewLine
        ss = ss + "GUID length= " + Cstr(.Length) + " bytes" + vbNewLine
        .Set obj.Get("objectSid")
        ss = ss + "SID: " + .GetSidString + vbNewLine
        ss = ss + "SID length= " + Cstr(.Length) + " bytes" + vbNewLine
    End With
    MsgBox ss
