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Active Roles Server 7.3 FormEntry attributes

Hello!! Is there any documentation for the XML FormEntry attributes? I was curious what attributes are available when I create a new custom FormEntry in the edsaWIEntries file.

Thank you! 

  • Just suggestion. It might be easier to customize View of the existing WebForm. Login to ARWebADmin WI under ARS ADmin account. Open WebForm (say User Create, User Properties on any user) | button Customize (upper right corner)

  • Well, doesn't really help me since I want to see if FormEntry has a property that allows me to clear the text on click. My formEntey is loading data from a script but it is not changing the data unless I save it. 

    1. I just wanted to see what attributes are available to me. Thanks.
  • Well, doesn't really help me since I want to see if FormEntry has a property that allows me to clear the text on click. My formEntey is loading data from a script but it is not changing the data unless I save it. 

    1. I just wanted to see what attributes are available to me. Thanks.
  • Perhaps you could share a bit more about your use case?  Are you aware of the OnGetEffectivePolicy event handler methods for creating dynamically updating form fields (the method is referred to as bound list boxes in the SDK).

  • The FormEntry object is actually documented in the included Active Roles SDK under the "The Forms Settings" section.

    Check the Start Screen on the Active Roles Service host for the Active Roles SDK.

  • Good morning! Yes, so my issue is that I have three custom drop downs the pull information from a script. The drops downs are state, city, and base name that are all stored in a Javascript file. I want the drops downs so that when the user selects the first one, state, the second one automatically populates with only the cities in that state. Now, if the user, selects a different state, it clears any previously selected info and reloads the the cities in THAT state. Does that make sense