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Active Roles Server (ARS) Database Migration from SQL Server 2008 to SQL Server 2016

I am  trying to migrate the ARS database (7.2) from 2008 to 2016. I follow the steps ixactly in this KB "" but IT DOES NOT WORK. The Active Roles Configuration Center service stays in a state of restarting the connection and the service green light is grey and the icon reads "Getting ready"

In the DS log files I get :

Administration Service encountered an error when retrieving properties of the object 'CN=DirSync Options,CN=ActiveRoles Server,CN=Services,CN=Application Configuration,CN=Configuration'. ---> ActiveRoles.Service.ArsException: Object 'CN=DirSync Options,CN=ActiveRoles Server,CN=Services,CN=Application Configuration,CN=Configuration' not found in the Active Roles database.
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at ActiveRoles.Service.Server.ProcessRequest(RequestContext context)
at ActiveRoles.Service.Native.DirSyncOptionsPolicy.LoadDirSyncOptionsOnServiceStart()

and I get this error message when I try to load the Console:

Connecting to Administration Service on 'servername.domain.lab' as 'Domain\ServiceAccount...
Loading schema...
Failed to connect to Administration Service on 'servername.domain.lab'.
Failed to retrieve attributes of the object ''.
Building startup information is in progress. Wait until the information is built, and then try again.
Database 'ARServer72' on SQL Server 'IP.Address' is unavailable.
TCP Provider: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

I need to get the database migrated...