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Troobleshooting QuickConnect AD Express


I have a problem with QuiConnect AD express version

In my administration quick connect consol, in sync history, i have a message :

Quick connect service cannot be contacted the service.

The communication object, System.ServiceModel.Channels.ServiceChannel, cannot be used for communication because it is in the Faulted state.

same when i run Sync

I Restart quik connect server and sql server without succes...

Do you have any solution?


  • Typically, the service will fail if it cannot connect to SQL server.  I know you said you restarted both hosts but I would suggest that, using native Windows Event Viewer,  you have a look at the Quick Connect Windows event log and see what kinds of errors are showing up in there.

  • Typically, the service will fail if it cannot connect to SQL server.  I know you said you restarted both hosts but I would suggest that, using native Windows Event Viewer,  you have a look at the Quick Connect Windows event log and see what kinds of errors are showing up in there.
