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ARS database migration from SQL2014 to SQL 2016

Hi All,


I have ARS database hosted in SQL 2014 sp4 want to migrate the database to SQL 2016. Please let me know the steps.

I have downtime to do database migration.  please assist with your answer.


  • AR Admin Guide pdf describes the procedure very well. Also you may find KB online on the matter.
    Underlying logic: (a) Copy legacy ARS DB from SQL2014 to SQL2016 (detach/copy/attach, or backup/restore). (b) Repoint existing AR Admin Service to a SQL2016/AR DB (AR Configuration Wizard UI)

  • AR Admin Guide pdf describes the procedure very well. Also you may find KB online on the matter.
    Underlying logic: (a) Copy legacy ARS DB from SQL2014 to SQL2016 (detach/copy/attach, or backup/restore). (b) Repoint existing AR Admin Service to a SQL2016/AR DB (AR Configuration Wizard UI)

  • once we done the SQL database migration, Is there any registry value need to be changed in ARS servers? Please assist.

    I searched ARS admin guide have not found the database migration steps. can you tell me which page it is described in the document.

  • ARS 7.x got UI: ARS Configuration Center: shows/allows to configure ARS ADmin Service settings (svc_ars_service account, SQL\DB); Website Enable/Remove. Therefore there is no need to do registry "hack" anymore.

  • I have multiple sync database resides in SQL server. once I done the database movement to 2016 SQL is there any configuration have to done in ARS server for connecting the sync database. I have not found any option to configure the sync database in ARS. 

    if no configuration does not required how ARS server connects the sync databases. Please assist.