Synchronisation Service client on multiple servers

Our initial plan was to setup two Active Roles servers in a production environment, each hosting the Web Interface and Administration Service. Both servers will connect back to a single SQL server hosting the Configuration/Management History database. There will be a load balancer sitting in front of the two Active Roles servers to distribute the load and provide fault tolerance.

We now would like to introduce the Synchronisation Service into play with intentions for it to have it's own database on the single SQL server.

My question is Can we replicate the installation of the Synchronisation Service on both Active Roles servers or should we only install it on one server?

Ideally we want to replicate both Active Roles servers to be configured the same but I am not sure if this will work if we were to set up the same connectors on the Synchronisation Service on two servers. Is all configuration within the Synchronisation Service stored in the single database and therefore we can install the SS client on all Active Roles servers wtihout any conflict issues?


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  • I'm not sure about the concrete AR connector to AAD/O365. It is used on "background" to speed up the process, and upfront AR uses REST API to talk to AAD/O365 triggered by AR ADmin Service internal workflow triggered by manual/adhoc HelpDesk client calling the ARS Website. Therefore, the concrete way how AR Connector AAD/O365 utilizes AR Sync and HA dependency: I would recommend to open SR to get answer from Devs. That part used to change in past.