Creating users with unique attributes


I am currently struggling to figure out a strategy to ensure that user attributes are unique.

I did some reading and found an article that recommended what attributes should be unique:

When you create a new user manually by default you have to fill out the following properties:

Friendly Name LDAP additional details
First Name givenName
Last Name sn
Full Name cn Must be unique
Display Name displayName Doesn't have to be unique, but is recommended
User login name edsaUPNPrefix Must be unique
edsaUPNSuffix edsaUPNSuffix Your domain
Pre-2000 sAMAccountName Must be unique

Using policies (Property Generation and Validation) you can automatically fill in all of these attributes. This works great, until you want to deviate a bit from following a standard model. For instance, all of your attributes would be generated from First Name and Last Name.

What I am looking to be able to do is the following:

Friendly Name LDAP additional details
First Name givenName
Last Name sn
Full Name cn Must be unique. Generated from a combination of first and last name, but if there is an existing user, a number would be added to make it unique
Display Name displayName Doesn't have to be unique, but is recommended. Follows similar rules to that of Full Name
User login name edsaUPNPrefix Must be unique. Follows similar rules to that of Full Name
edsaUPNSuffix edsaUPNSuffix Your domain
Pre-2000 sAMAccountName Must be unique. Has it's own uniqueness generator

I thought I would be able to accomplish this by using a "onPreCreate" script. What I am finding though, at least when trying to create a user from the GUI, that the script doesn't appear to kick in when you hit "next" so you end up with an error saying that the certain values are not unique.

I have a feeling that even if you were to use the ARS Sync Engine to create users it would complain about the same thing.

When does the scripting engine kick in during the creation process?  It seems the only way to accomplish this is using scripts as the Property Generation and Validation policies are limited.

This issue mainly stems from the fact that our HR system (synced via ARS Sync Engine) allows for duplicate user names to be created. And we are expected to handle the duplication on our end.

I know this is a loaded question, but if anyone has any examples of how they handled something similar it would be awesome!


  • Hi Todd

    There are a couple of things you could do, range for simple to more complex depending on your exact use case.

    At the easier end, as you're generating a unique samAccountName (User Logon name (pre-Windows 2000)), have you considered:

    Name (CN): %<givenName> %<sn> - %<samAccountName>

    name (name): %<givenName> %<sn> - %<samAccountName>

    Display Name (displayName): %<givenName> %<sn> - %<samAccountName>

    Account Name (UPN Prefix) (edsaUPNPrefix): %<samAccountName> or {*}

    UPN Suffix (edsaUPNSuffix): @%<domain.edsaDnsName> or {*}

    Logon Name (userPrincipalName): %<edsaUPNPrefix>%<edsaUPNSuffix>

    As you start to get more complicated, you may need to write policy scripts, or change via workflows.