Workflows Launches Workflow?

We have some different divisions that I have created workflows to manage, but there are some items that are duplicated over multiple workflows. Is there a way to have a Workflow launch another workflow? If so, it would allow me to consolidate the common tasks in multiple workflows into a single workflow, which the originating workflows could call on.

  • Stu hinted at this but I am going to call it out specifically:  Sequencing of workflows can be tricky because the activities internal to them are not executed entirely sequentially.  This is especially true if your workflow contains a mix of Powershell (PoSh) activities and out-of-the-box ones.  Depending on their complexity, the execution of the PoSh activities (which fire as individual PoSh runtime environments) my take a while.  If you are setting attributes in them that a subsequent activity depends on, you could run into trouble because the values you are looking for won't be in place yet.  There are ways to mitigate this but it definitely requires forethought.

  • Stu hinted at this but I am going to call it out specifically:  Sequencing of workflows can be tricky because the activities internal to them are not executed entirely sequentially.  This is especially true if your workflow contains a mix of Powershell (PoSh) activities and out-of-the-box ones.  Depending on their complexity, the execution of the PoSh activities (which fire as individual PoSh runtime environments) my take a while.  If you are setting attributes in them that a subsequent activity depends on, you could run into trouble because the values you are looking for won't be in place yet.  There are ways to mitigate this but it definitely requires forethought.

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