Deny Access Templates for object class creation

Hello all,

Kind of a bind i can't seem to figure out.. Creating Access templates to deny creation of common object classes except for certain ones, ie only allow group creation in a groups ou and only showing that as an option under new

Running into an issue as when allowing user class creation, i get user and the 4 group mailbox type under new as they are considered user class objects. Any way to differentiate them?

any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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  • thanks for the quick reply! maybe i was unclear and i apologize. was just wondering if there was a way to just show group mailboxes on the new object creation but not user on the specific ou we designated as above. your previous solution should allow me to just show user as opposed to showing all 4 or 5 (i forget). again if you did answer me and i misunderstood i apologize =)