How to create a workflow condition that checks for the security group that's going to get assigned.

Our Active Roles setup uses script to assign security groups to user depending on Office location and Description ( Job Title) property. The policy calls the script. The script matches the User Office location and Description properties with the office and Descripolumns in text file and gets the security groups from the text file and assigns to the User.

We like to have Approval workflow trigger the approval process if the office and description properties selected is going to add the ‘SuperMaster’ security group to the user.

We have defined workflow condition as, Modify properties of User -> with filter 'Member of Target Object ' Contains 'SuperMaster'.  

The Workflows added with above options trigger approval process if the existing user already has ‘SuperMaster’ permissions and NOT that the user is getting ‘Super Master’ permissions. We need approval process trigger if the job title/ Description is selected that will RESULT in giving ‘Super Master’ permissions.

We have also tried workflow condition as, Modify properties of User -> with filter 'Member of Requested changes ' Contains 'SuperMaster'.  But that also didn't work in the way we want.

Can you help on how to configure a workflow condition that will trigger approval process if the modified Job location/ Description is going to add ‘ SuperMaster’ permissions ? and that trigger the approval in the workflow.




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  • Thanks for showing this option 'Run-as' . This made all the difference. Appreciate it. I see the workflow trigger Approval now.

    Couple of questions though, after I enabled the 'Enforce workflow' I see message in the email notification body as "Service Admin submitted the request to approve….." where as I like to see as the Actual user name who modified the user properties. Some thing like " Tom submitted the request to approve….." .

    The other question is, In the web interface the approval request window where Service desk user can enter the reason is no more showing up. When the approval is going to trigger upon changing properties of User then there used to be a pop window where it requests Service desk user to enter the reason for change. I do not see that pop up any more. But the approver request is sent to Approver successfully with reason being empty.

  • Let's try something simple...

    On the Run As dialog, check this option as shown:

    IMPORTANT:  In order for this to work, within Active Roles (not native AD), this user must be allowed (have permissions) to add users to this group.  (The workflow itself will prevent them for doing this randomly)