ARS work flow email is approved by another user manager-

HI Team

We have ARS Workflow at place with approver setting " Manager of person being added or removed from target group". and it is working if i put request for single user to add group.

My queries here when i have put the request for multiple users with different  manager - it is get approved by one of them approver and its get approved for all. Instead of approving their manager- users are added in group by another users manager approval.

i need to now why this is happening- this should not be get approved. Please help me to get understand this.

  • Hi Rajesh,

    Adding multiple users to a group is submitted as a single request. The approval is designed to approve a request, not the individual user added. So the result you're seeing is what I would expect. You would either need to implement something to disable adding multiple users at once or change processes so that folks know to only request one at a time. Since the functionality is designed around request approval, this would require a feature request to be submitted.

    If you're PowerShell-savvy, you could create a script module that would check the request to see if it's multiple users being added, then split them out and to add them individually, taking the reason from the submission and applying that to each individual request that gets created. This would create multiple requests that would go to each individual's manager. At the end of it, clear out the current request so the multiple users being added doesn't actually get submitted. Do this in an onPreModify event handler.

    I hope this helps.

  • Hi Nick

    Thanks for your kind response on query- can you tell me is there any option to disable the request to adding multiple users at once. 

  • One way to accomplish this would be to implement a custom, virtual attribute based dialog for adding users to a group.

    This would be accomplished using the built-in Customization functionality of the Web UI.

    You would start by creating a new command "Add Single Group Member" and then associate an attribute setting task with this.

    You would create a new form for this - within this new form, you would implement a single-valued DN syntax virtual attribute (sample name: edsva_Single_Group_Member_To_Add)

    Your Approval workflow could trap a change to this attribute.

    You would also need to specify the target group name on the same page (also using a virtual attribute - i.e. something like edsva_Group_To_Change).

    This would get you a codeless solution to your problem.

  • Hi Rajesh,

    The below can be placed in a script module to check whether the requested members to be added is multiple or not.

    function isMultipleMembers($Request){
        if ($Request.Get("member").GetType().Name -eq "String"){
                return $false
            } else {
                return $true

    If there are multiple, it returns TRUE. In your workflow, you can use an If/Else activity before the approval activity to check the value of generated by that script is equal to TRUE. Then in that branch, place a Stop/Break activity.