Long Service Startup Times


So curious to see if this has happened in other environments. We have three 2012 R2s servers each running their own ARS node that connects to one SQL database. They all work fine except when we have to reboot them for maintenance, one takes two hours to finish the startup while the other two take two minutes. All three use the same service account to connect. All three servers *look* identical, but clearly not. Has anybody else experienced this before, or are there any flags that I could check to see if there is a difference?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • Hi Julia,

    Are you staggering the starting of the services or starting them all at once? The proper way to restart admin services when there are more than one is to start one and wait until it's full up and you're able to log into it before moving onto the next one.

    The other thing could be physical location if that one server is really far away on a slow connection to any DC's for managed domains or even the SQL database, it can take a really long time to communicate with the DC's during startup. This is seen often in regionalized configurations. If it's the SQL database, you could look into setting up another SQL host in the same location as that host and configure database replication. Similarly if it's the DC's, you could configure that service to connect to local DC's for the managed domains if it's connecting to DC's that are in another part of the world.

    I hope this gives you some things to check.

  • Thanks for the feedback! 

    I *wish* it was physical location, but all three ARS nodes plus the SQL server are located in the same area, which rules out physical distance issues. And all three services connect to local DCs (which are in the same location as the ARS nodes/SQL server). It's just annoying since there doesn't seem to be a reason for this one node to take waaaay longer than the other two.

  • What about the startup sequence of the servers?

    Outside of that, someone would have to have a look at the event log. Speaking of that, do you maybe have debug logging enabled on that server? Debug logging can slow things down pretty drastically so that would definitely be worth checking.

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