Long Service Startup Times


So curious to see if this has happened in other environments. We have three 2012 R2s servers each running their own ARS node that connects to one SQL database. They all work fine except when we have to reboot them for maintenance, one takes two hours to finish the startup while the other two take two minutes. All three use the same service account to connect. All three servers *look* identical, but clearly not. Has anybody else experienced this before, or are there any flags that I could check to see if there is a difference?

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

  • I would also be curious:

    A) Is there a connection to an Office 365 tenant in the mix
    B) Are there any scheduled tasks, dynamic groups or group families that only the one node is responsible for?
    C) Which of your admin services was the "first" one deployed originally?
    D) Are there any differences with installed software and/or patch level (thinking things like Powershell and .Net in particular)?
    E) Have you checked the SQL connection for latency from that host?
    F) Is that host running some kind of endpoint protection that the others are not?

  • I would also be curious:

    A) Is there a connection to an Office 365 tenant in the mix
    B) Are there any scheduled tasks, dynamic groups or group families that only the one node is responsible for?
    C) Which of your admin services was the "first" one deployed originally?
    D) Are there any differences with installed software and/or patch level (thinking things like Powershell and .Net in particular)?
    E) Have you checked the SQL connection for latency from that host?
    F) Is that host running some kind of endpoint protection that the others are not?

  • A) Negative

    B) It is in charge of one scheduled task, but considering the others have more on their "plate", that seems unlikely...I mean, a schedule task isn't supposed to run before the startup is built right? Or can the scheduled task kick off during the midst of a startup operation? (Which then I could see being a delay.)

    C) The first one deployed is this slow one. The other two were deployed/installed about three weeks later.

    D) Checked Powershell version and .NET and they are identical.

    E) Can ping the SQL server from the ARS host and that seems fine.

    F) All three have McAfee/HIPS, so if that was it, I would think they all would be slow/start up time would be the same.

    Thanks again for all the suggestions! I do really appreciate it.