What PS> string can be used to return the partner DC currently selected by each host listed under managed domains in ARS config?

I see a great deal of data under this node … I see the domains, and other details - just not a seeing a way to crack into the details on currently selected DC … along with current state/health info

Get-QADObject -SearchRoot "CN=<managed domain FQDN>,CN=Managed Domains,CN=Server Configuration,CN=Configuration"

I'm looking for this info to pro-actively switch hosts when my DirSync host becomes unresponsive to ARS.   The DC is still running - but not returning password unlock/reset info - the end users just sees the spinning-wheel-of-wait.
and I get a priority ticket....  There is too-long a window between the failure-to-communicate, and ARS switching to next available....
if I can use PS> to xpose the current value - and externally test the connection, then maybe I can use the same PS> path to trigger a change of the DirSync currently selected host value.


  • And then you can re-direct your write (or read) like this:

    set-qaduser -proxy -identity jsmith -description "something new" -control @{'ldapserver'="someotherDC"}

  • is it possible to set the managed domain target DC for ARS under "Configuration/Server Configuration/Managed Domains/<ARS Server>..<any dc in site>..<current dc>

     tried a slight variation of the command above - but no changey

    Connect-QADService -Service <ARS SERVER> -proxy ; Set-QADObject -Identity "DC=<my Target domain>" -IncludedProperties ldapserver -Control @{'ldapserver'="<my target domain contoller"}

    it runs - as in no error.  returns the object.   Yet again, no change post execution.

  • 'ldapserver' is a AR Service Control associated with a specific transaction - basically, the operational DC.

    You could try:
    Connect-QADService -Service <ARS SERVER> -proxy ; Set-QADObject -Identity "DC=<my Target domain>" -objectattributes @{edsaldapserver=$MyDC}

    ...but I have never tried that.

    I'm not 100% clear on what setting you are actually hoping to change though and why.

  • 'ldapserver' is a AR Service Control associated with a specific transaction - basically, the operational DC.

    You could try:
    Connect-QADService -Service <ARS SERVER> -proxy ; Set-QADObject -Identity "DC=<my Target domain>" -objectattributes @{edsaldapserver=$MyDC}

    ...but I have never tried that.

    I'm not 100% clear on what setting you are actually hoping to change though and why.

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