delegate the operation of restoring deleted objects

I'm looking to delegate the restoration of objects for one OU.

I have tried the following which I got from the manual. I was expecting to see a OU NAME "deleted objects" appear next to the OU where I linked the access template. I am not seeing that in the console or the web interface.

  1. In the console tree, select Configuration | Access Templates | Active Directory.
  2. In the details pane, right-click All Objects - View or Restore Deleted Objects and click Links.
  3. In the Links dialog box, click Add.
  4. Click Next on the Welcome page in the Delegation of Control Wizard.
  5. On the Objects page in the wizard, click Add; then, select the container in which you want to delegate the operation of restoring deleted objects:
    • To delegate restoring only those deleted objects that were in a particular Organizational Unit (OU) or Managed Unit (MU) at the time of deletion, select that OU or MU.
    • To delegate restoring any deleted objects in a particular managed domain, select either the object representing that domain or the Deleted Objects container for that domain.
    • To delegate restoring any deleted objects in any managed domain, select the Active Directory container.
  6. Follow the instructions on the wizard pages to complete the Delegation of Control Wizard.
  7. Click OK to close the Links dialog box.

What should I see?

  • I think I answered my own question. By doing the above you get a "View or Restore Deleted Objects" in the context menu with a right-click in the console.

    So I can apply the access template Computers - Read All Properties to the deleted computers container and then View or Restore Deleted Objects to the container I want to delegate access to. 

  • I think I answered my own question. By doing the above you get a "View or Restore Deleted Objects" in the context menu with a right-click in the console.

    So I can apply the access template Computers - Read All Properties to the deleted computers container and then View or Restore Deleted Objects to the container I want to delegate access to. 

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