Can we customize Active Roles Console, right click menu items like adding a new sub menu?


I would like to add a new menu item or sub menu item within right click menu of any OU. 

If you need more info, do let me know.



  • Some great questions here - with no good answer, frequently go un-answered.   Then there's me.

    Interesting question - as I had a similar desire at some prior version of ActiveRoles server web interfaces.  
    This isn't your answer - so unless you like a little history ... tl:dr move along.  these are not the words you're looking for.

    There was a point in ARS history where the customization of ARS WI allowed adding simple javascript code in the label for an attribute value.   I exploited that to provide bold/underline/dotted emphasis on text.  We also used that field to provide an HTML link to a POP-UP using ARS builtin javascript functions.  This was used to provide in-line in-depth context-sensitive pop-up screen about the item that was editable for that field.

        Then they took that away <wipes tear> and my pages that contained the magic codes suddenly looked like a fifth grader coding raw html.   no offense to 5th graders.
    around the same time, I was looking for a way to present the leaf-object of an object on the WI page for a user object.   We have a password wallet that creates a leaf on the user object in AD... and to expose the leaf for delete, attached to - but separate from the user object, I added a single-item hover-over sub menu that showed that leaf and allowed delete.   

    it disappeared too - with a subsequent WI update. 
    the reason the capability was abandoned - as I implemented, I am told - was for security.   Security keeps getting in the way, doesn't it ... Protecting me from myself and helping us to stay safer.

    To replace the functionality of the hover-over sub-menu, allowing us to view and delete the leaf object, I created a new 'command' using set-attributeValue to clear the leaf, and set the search scope to objects that matched the password vault object type.   Not right-click, but righ-hand menu item allowing you to add additional options to perform custom work.