Risk Index Calculation Error

Hello everyone,

I'm using One Identity 8.1.4 and I was looking for the specific calculation used by One to assign a risk index to a specific employee.

For example:

I have an employee Y with 3 resources assigned.

The first one has a risk index = 0.5, the second one has a risk index = 0.75 and the third one has a risk index = 1.

The risk index function used for the resource type has:

- calculation type: Maximum (weighted)
- weighting = 1
- query (original by One Identity): select p.XObjectKey as ObjectKeyTarget, pho.RiskIndexCalculated  as SourceValue
, pho.XObjectKey as ObjectKeySource    from person p join PersonHasQERResource pho on p.UID_Person = pho.UID_Person

The employee Y has a Risk Index (calculated) = 0 and I don't know why.

One Identity saved the value 0 as a SourceValue in PersonHasQERResource table and I don't know if I have to modify this value and where I sould go to change it.

Any suggestions?

Thank you

  • Hi  

    Unfortunately you've posted this into the Active Roles community forum, there may be some overlap of skills, but you might be better to task your question in there (One Identity Community).

    For the top of my head, it would be that the the Risk Index calculation is not currently enable, have a look at configuration parameter "QER\CalculateRiskIndex", its also possible that the "Calculate risk indexes" schedule is not enabled.

    Kind regards


  • Hi  

    Unfortunately you've posted this into the Active Roles community forum, there may be some overlap of skills, but you might be better to task your question in there (One Identity Community).

    For the top of my head, it would be that the the Risk Index calculation is not currently enable, have a look at configuration parameter "QER\CalculateRiskIndex", its also possible that the "Calculate risk indexes" schedule is not enabled.

    Kind regards

