Removing access template links from formerly managed domains


Does anyone have ways of removing AR configuration from domains that are no longer managed by an AR instance ?  We have some decommed domains that had accesses defined but are no longer needed. Is there a way to clean up those items from the config db that will no longer be applied?

  • There is a cmdlet for de-linking AT's:  Remove-QARSAccessTemplateLink

    Syntax would be something like this:

    Get-QARSAccessTemplateLink -Proxy -DirectoryObject $MyOUItem | foreach { Remove-QARSAccessTemplateLink -Proxy }

    $MyOUItem would be an OU from a list that you would enumerate from the domain(s) in question.

  • The only issue you might have is the AT Link may show as being blank after a manage domain is remove.

    The below piece of code is provided as-is, you should test it in your own LAB, Test, or Development environment before it is run anywhere near your production environment!

    The basic gist of what it does ie:

    1. Get a list of all the Active Roles "Well-Known" principals (Primary Owner, Manager and Secondary Owners)
    2. Get a list of all your current Access Template links (currently limited to 1000, as there is no -sizelimit parameter in the command) which are not predefined
    3. Loop through each Access Template Link
      1. Using the TrusteeSID held against the ATL, it will attempt to find this value via Active Roles (PROXY parameter)
      2. If the Trustee object was not resolved, it will
        1. Check if its a Well Known AD security principal, if a Trustee was found, and it doesn't start NT Authority (you may need to add additional options) it clears teh Trustee attribute again
      3. If the Trustee Object is still blank
        1. It will output selected details to screen
        2. Ask if you want to delete
        3. If you select the correct option to delete it will attempt to remove the object
          1. If successful you get a Remove message, otherwise a failed message
      4. If the Trustee Object was not blank, and the ShowValid variable is set to true, it'll output the other valid links also.

    Please bear in mind looks at ALL your access template links (up to 1000), therefore be careful to review your findings before attempting to delete.

    As always with destructive/delete options backup up your database, and only do this in a time windows suitable for your environment, and when no one else is making changes via ARS.

    $AutoRemoveInvalid = $false
    $ShowValid = $true
    $ARSWellKnown = Get-QADObject -SearchRoot "CN=Well-Known Accounts by ActiveRoles Server,CN=Application Configuration,CN=Configuration" -proxy
    $ATLinks = Get-QARSAccessTemplateLink -SearchRoot "CN=AT Links,CN=Configuration" -Predefined $false -Proxy 
    $RemoveCurrentLink = $null
    ForEach($ATLink in $ATLinks)
        $Trustee = Get-QADObject -Identity $ATLink.TrusteeSid -Proxy
        If(-not $Trustee)
            $Trustee = ($ARSWellKnown | Where-Object {$_.ObjectSID -eq $ATLink.TrusteeSid}).name
        If(-not $Trustee)
            $Trustee = ([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]$ATLink.TrusteeSid).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).value
            If($Trustee.Substring(0,12) -ne "NT AUTHORITY")
                $Trustee = $null
        If(-not $Trustee)
            Write-Host "ATLink: $($ATLink.DN)" -ForegroundColor Red
            Write-Host "`tTrusteeSID:        $($ATLink.TrusteeSid)"
            Write-Host "`tTrustee:           $($ATLink.Trustee)"
            Write-Host "`tDirectoryObjectDN: $($ATLink.DirectoryObjectDN)"
            Write-Host "`tDirectoryObject:   $($ATLink.DirectoryObject)"
                If((-not $AutoRemoveInvalid) -and (-not $RemoveCurrentLink))
                    Write-Host "`t`tDo you want to remove the current link?" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "`t`t`t[Y] Remove the current link" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "`t`t`t[A] Remove all current and all future invalid links" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "`t`t`t[S] Do not remove current or any future links" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    Write-Host "`t`t`t[<blank>] or [<any 
                    other value>] Do not remove the current link" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $RemoveCurrentLink = Read-Host "`t`tSelect an option"
            If(($AutoRemoveInvalid -eq $true) -or ($RemoveCurrentLink -eq "Y") -or ($RemoveCurrentLink -eq "A")
                    Remove-QARSAccessTemplateLink -Identity $ATLink.DN -Proxy
                    Write-host "`t`t`tAccess Template Link removed" -ForegroundColor Green
                    Write-Host "`t`t`tError removing Access Template Link" -ForegroundColor Red
                If(($RemoveCurrentLink -ne "A") -and ($RemoveCurrentLink -ne "S"))
                    $RemoveCurrentLink = $null
                Write-Host "ATLink: $($ATLink.DN)" -ForegroundColor Green
                Write-Host "`tTrusteeSID:        $($ATLink.TrusteeSid)"
                Write-Host "`tTrustee:           $($ATLink.Trustee)"
                Write-Host "`tDirectoryObjectDN: $($ATLink.DirectoryObjectDN)"
                Write-Host "`tDirectoryObject:   $($ATLink.DirectoryObject)"

  • Thanks  . I think from our design, plenty of the trustees are likely to still exist - just the old domain based resources have been removed and I have no clue what they were.

    We have found some of these access template links - one thing I notice is there are directoryentry parts that will point to the NC (naming context) of the removed domains. when we have found these links - we can remove them. 

    From what I see we have ~220k items in AT Link (from RAW mode) 

  • Thanks  . I think from our design, plenty of the trustees are likely to still exist - just the old domain based resources have been removed and I have no clue what they were.

    We have found some of these access template links - one thing I notice is there are directoryentry parts that will point to the NC (naming context) of the removed domains. when we have found these links - we can remove them. 

    From what I see we have ~220k items in AT Link (from RAW mode) 

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