Removing access template links from formerly managed domains


Does anyone have ways of removing AR configuration from domains that are no longer managed by an AR instance ?  We have some decommed domains that had accesses defined but are no longer needed. Is there a way to clean up those items from the config db that will no longer be applied?

Parents Reply
  • The initial collection part of $ATs = Get a list of All Access Templates - is the first struggle. To collect these in short enough time. Enumerations of the data of trustee and directory object are not rapid. There's plenty of valid links we do want to keep and have to wade through those to find the ones we don't want which is still proving tricky.

  • If you set the $ShowValid to $false, it will only show ATLs which do not have a valid trustee.

    Also you can run the script for a single Access Template at a time, therefore reducing the number of ATLs being retrieved...

    Natually you could then just loop through each ATL in turn.

    If you want to evaluate the ATLs offline, you'll need to change the script to output it results to file, and naturally not remove any ATLs.