Check if a user is having a certain O365 license assigned


I am trying to configure a Workflow in synchronization service for all user accounts that do have a certain license assigned.

Thus I'd need to know if there is a possibility to query a user for a certain (active) O365/M365 license.

Has anyone been able to configure/script this yet?

Thanks in advance.


Parents Reply
  • Per KB 264056, looks like my command line needs to look like this:

    get-qaduser -proxy -identity $MyUser -IncludedProperties edsaAzureUserAssignedLicenses,edsvaAzureObjectID | select edsaAzureUserAssignedLicenses 

    i.e. you need to include the edsvaAzureObjectID in your requested property set.

    Also, make sure your Quest cmdlets and ADSI Provider are up to date!

  • Thanks for your reply.

    Actually in the synch service it would be easier to get that even, as I can use "srcobj" and don't have to do the full command as above.

    However, I don't fully understand the format of the attribute, which was the reason why I was asking...

    it looks like that:


    If I want to check for a specific license, would it be enough to check for existence of the respective GUID? What do the sections mean that are called "disabledPlans" and "skuid" that are in part within the same {}?

    I also see a "disabledPlans" section with two GUIDs (the first one) and others that don't contain any GUID and only empty []...

  • The GUID is all you need.  

    You can take your returned values, search for "disabledPlans":[],"skuId": and replace it with "".

    Then you can just perform lookups on the remaining GUIDs.

  • Thanks. Thought I can go from there...
    However, it seems neither in the Synch Service script nor with your command I get any data on the attribute...

    When I try to do it this way, I don't even get the attribute listed:

    get-qaduser -proxy -identity $myuser -IncludedProperties edsaAzureUserAssignedLicenses | fl *

  • I think you overlooked an update to my original post about the command line.  Reproduced again below...

    get-qaduser -proxy -identity $MyUser -IncludedProperties edsaAzureUserAssignedLicenses,edsvaAzureObjectID | select edsaAzureUserAssignedLicenses 

    i.e. you need to include the edsvaAzureObjectID in your requested property set or the license value won't be returned.

    Also, make sure your Quest cmdlets and ADSI Provider are up to date!

  • Before we get into implementing this in the Sync Service, may I ask you how many objects you are going to be checking?  10s, 100s, 1000s?

    I ask this because if the number is large then this is going to affect how you go about dynamically scoping objects in or out of your synchronization step.