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Launching ActiveRoles Console from the command line with other credentials

I tried looking and could not tell if it's possible to launch the ActiveRoles Console from the command line and specify the credentials to be used. It's an .msc and I see that mmc.exe allows for alternate credentials. We're deploying a privileged access solution and want to inject the administrative credentials when ARS is launched. Didn't know if anyone has already worked through this.

- David

  • My understanding:
    1) launch cmd> with AD\user credentials and
    2) cmd>mmc "c:\Program Files\Dell\Active Roles\7.0\Console\ActiveRoles.msc" (inside cmd> launch mmc/snap-in)
    (probably) ARS.mmc should pick up (interactive logon?) credentials.
  • My understanding:
    1) launch cmd> with AD\user credentials and
    2) cmd>mmc "c:\Program Files\Dell\Active Roles\7.0\Console\ActiveRoles.msc" (inside cmd> launch mmc/snap-in)
    (probably) ARS.mmc should pick up (interactive logon?) credentials.
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