How to export Access Template to have Property name and LDAP Display Name in a Excel

Hello all ;)

Do you know if it is possible to export the Access Template in a Excel file with all the attributes of the Access Template?
I have tried with the export from the console but I do not have the property name and it is very important information for my extract.

I need to have Property Name and LDAP Display Name in my Excel file.
Thank you in advance for your help ;)

Top Replies

  • Can you provide us an example of all the fields you want in your "report" / export?

  • Yes, I would like to have Property Name and LDAP Display Name use in the Access Template in a Excel file.

    Like when we open the Access Template and go to the "Object Properties" tab.

  • The information displayed under the Permissions tab, which shows the object class, AD native or Virtual attribute names, for an AT are actually stored as GUID values when exporting it from the MMC or when binding to an AT from the PowerShell cmdlet Get-QADObject. If this is the information you are looking to export, it looks like you will have to write an export script to translate these GUID's back into readable names. This list of permissions entries can be a mix of AD native and AR Virtual Attributes.

    The attribute that store this information is edsaATEList. A typical entry in this list, which has 5 columns, might look like:


    The 4th and 5th columns contain the GUID's of the attribute and object class respectively. If the 4th column is empty then that permission entry rule applies to the entire object class.

    You can take the GUID value in the 4th column (if there is one) and pass it into a (Get-QADObject -Proxy -Identity <GUID>).Name command to get the Name of the related attribute. You can also do the same for the 5th column to get the object class Name. Then write this information however you'd like to a text file CSV to them open in Excel.

    Hope this help point you in the right direction for getting the desired info from Access Templates.

  • Thanks Richard,
    It seems a bit complicated for my level in Powershell but I'll look into it ;)

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