Import user from CSV


I set up a workflow for employee integration via a CSV file.

I set as a rule to generate the object the employee ID. The anomaly is that the account is created with the employee ID but it is renamed subsequently by the SamAccountName so for him the employee is not created and recreate it again if we go through the workflow again. 

How should I proceed?
Best Regards.

Top Replies

  •  Hi  

    Could you confirm how you're creating the users via CSV? Is it via the Active Roles Synchronization Service, or via Active Roles from a script executed by a Workflow?

    In both scenarios…

  •  Hi  

    Could you confirm how you're creating the users via CSV? Is it via the Active Roles Synchronization Service, or via Active Roles from a script executed by a Workflow?

    In both scenarios, your must have something available in both sides which is static, which is used as a mapping rule. If you're using employeeID, and you also have a workflow (separate) which renames the account after creation, then you would need to map Employee ID (from CSV) to both samAccountName (for your initial creation) and to EmployeeID (AD property), and then use Employee ID (CSV) <--> EmployeeID (AD)  as a mapping rule.

    However, if you could explain the setup we might be able to expand further, and recommend remediation steps or alternative approaches.

    Kind regards


  •  Hi  

    Could you confirm how you're creating the users via CSV? Is it via the Active Roles Synchronization Service, or via Active Roles from a script executed by a Workflow?

    In both scenarios, your must have something available in both sides which is static, which is used as a mapping rule. If you're using employeeID, and you also have a workflow (separate) which renames the account after creation, then you would need to map Employee ID (from CSV) to both samAccountName (for your initial creation) and to EmployeeID (AD property), and then use Employee ID (CSV) <--> EmployeeID (AD)  as a mapping rule.

    However, if you could explain the setup we might be able to expand further, and recommend remediation steps or alternative approaches.

    Kind regards


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