Passing Variables from Workflow into Powershell Script

So we have a workflow that we set up to stop the helpdesk from adding users to a group who are members of another group.  The users cannot be in both groups at the same time, these are 365 licensing groups.

What we are trying to accomplish is having a powershell script run that will remove the user they are trying to add to the group, from the other group (that they shouldnt be in).

The powershell script is simple enough, but I cannot find really any good documentation on how to pass a variable from the workflow into the script.  The variable would be the user the heldpesk is trying to add to the group, that needs to get passed to the script so the script can remove that user from the other group which they shouldn't be in.  Can anyone assist?  Thank you.

  • Have you considered an entirely different approach?

    What I have done with some success is used dynamic groups populated using Active Roles virtual attributes.

    Here's an example...

    I want to give a user only an E3 license OR an E5 license

    First group:  E3_License_Group
    Second group E5_License_Group

    Don't allow the Help Desk to directly manage the membership of either group.

    Make the groups dynamic as follows:

    Membership Rule for E3 group:

    License_Granted = E3

    Membership Rule for E5 group:

    License_Granted = E5

    Add the License_Granted virtual attribute to your web interface and add a PVG rule to your provisioning policy that allows only E3, or E5 or None as acceptable values.

    Your "audit trail" for the licensing will be the change to the contents of the virtual attribute.

  • Thank you for this, its a very interesting approach to this issue and something for us to think about.  But we would really like to understand how to pass variables to our scripts when running them in AR workflows.  We have other workflows where this would be very helpful to know how to do as well.  Thank you.

  • There's a few ways to think about "variables" when it comes to Active Roles.

    Typically, when you are integrating scripts, you want to work values from the current transaction that AR is processing.

    Let's take a simple example - updating the Description of a user.

    When you change a user description through the Active Roles UI, a "$Request" object is generated (this is what I call a transaction and its contents the "payload").

    Within this $Request object are several useful things that can be accessed using various properties and methods:

    $Request.DN is the distinguished name of the object being modified

    $Request.RequestedAttributes is an array containing the property(ies) being modified in the current transaction

    If you know which property is being changed, you can pull its value directly from the transaction like this:

    $ChangedPropertyContents = $Request.Get("description")

    OR if it's a multi value:

    $ChangedPropertyContents = $Request.GetEx("somemultivalueproperty")

    'Hope this is helpful.

  • Yes, this is very helpful.  So if a helpdesk user has added say John Doe with user ID abcjxd to an AD group, if we wanted the workflow to run a PS script to manipulate abcjxd, that object would be under the “$Request” variable? 

    So we could essentially run the command remove-qadgroupmember -identity ADGROUPNAME -member $request.samaccountname  and it should work?

  • It's not quite that simple.

    You would want to run your script to check whether the user is "allowed" to be a member of that group.

    The thing to keep in mind is that the addition of a member to a group is a group change and thus the object in the $Request is the group.

    The user being added is part of the group's member property change.

    To learn a bit about the structure of your request, I would suggest you take this code and execute it with a change workflow triggered by a group member add to see what an inbound membership change $Request looks like:

    function DumpMembershipChangeRequest($Request)
    $str += [System.Environment]::NewLine + "Property values modified in the directory object" + [System.Environment]::NewLine

    # This will get you the group being changed
    $str += "Object DN: " + $Request.Name + [System.Environment]::NewLine

    # ---- Retrieve properties from in-process data -----

    for($i = 0; $i -lt $Request.PropertyCount; $i++)
       $item = $Request.Item($i)
       $str += "Property name: " + $item.Name
       $str += ", Property value(s): "
       # ----- Retrieve Property values -----

       # This will give you the list of the members being added

       foreach($value in $item.Values)

          $str += [string]$value + "// "

          $str += [System.Environment]::NewLine
          } #End of values parsing loop

       # ----- Write output into a log file on the AR server ----

       Add-Content "C:\TEMP\AR_Request_contents_dump.txt" $str

       } # End of request property iteration  

    } # End of dump membership change request

  • It's not quite that simple.

    You would want to run your script to check whether the user is "allowed" to be a member of that group.

    The thing to keep in mind is that the addition of a member to a group is a group change and thus the object in the $Request is the group.

    The user being added is part of the group's member property change.

    To learn a bit about the structure of your request, I would suggest you take this code and execute it with a change workflow triggered by a group member add to see what an inbound membership change $Request looks like:

    function DumpMembershipChangeRequest($Request)
    $str += [System.Environment]::NewLine + "Property values modified in the directory object" + [System.Environment]::NewLine

    # This will get you the group being changed
    $str += "Object DN: " + $Request.Name + [System.Environment]::NewLine

    # ---- Retrieve properties from in-process data -----

    for($i = 0; $i -lt $Request.PropertyCount; $i++)
       $item = $Request.Item($i)
       $str += "Property name: " + $item.Name
       $str += ", Property value(s): "
       # ----- Retrieve Property values -----

       # This will give you the list of the members being added

       foreach($value in $item.Values)

          $str += [string]$value + "// "

          $str += [System.Environment]::NewLine
          } #End of values parsing loop

       # ----- Write output into a log file on the AR server ----

       Add-Content "C:\TEMP\AR_Request_contents_dump.txt" $str

       } # End of request property iteration  

    } # End of dump membership change request
