Workflow trigger based on proxy address

I am trying to trigger a workflow so that when a users gets a mailbox created and the x500 writes back to the on-premise account via ADSync it runs a powershell script.

I know the script is fine as i can set the workflow trigger to just modify user and it works every time however when I change add "Workflow start upon a request for changes to: ProxyAddresses" and filtering conditions set to "ProxyAddresses of Workflow Target contains x500" it doesn't trigger, anyone got an ideas on what might be causing this?

I suspect the filtering conditions might be the issue...

Does anyone know an alternative attribute that i can use in the trigger that only applies once the user has an exchange online mailbox? 

Top Replies

  • How do your users get in M365 in the first place?

    1) Azure AD Connect replicates them there
    2) Active Roles creates them

    If you are relying on 1), do you have ARSS backsynch configured to bring back users' AzureObjectIDs?  If not, then you could set this up and rely on the event of edsvaAzureObjectID being set on the on-prem AD object to determine that the M365 object exists (the mailbox should exist at pretty much the same time)

  • Hi Johnny,

    We use AAD Connect to sync our users to Azure, we also have backsync in place to bring back users AzureObjectIDs. Unfortunately we add a user to a security group and this then assigns them a license, the time this process takes can vary so unfortunately we cannot rely on the AzureObjectID. 

    Surely i can use the proxy address as a trigger given that ARS lets me set it in the first place, have you been able to achieve something similar in your environment? 

  • In your start condition filter, rather than "ProxyAddresses of Workflow Target contains X500" you should try "Changed value of workflow target object property" and enter the text 'X500'

    So in your filtering conditions, you would end up with:

    Proxy Addresses from Requested Changes contains "X500" (quotes added by AR)

  • In your start condition filter, rather than "ProxyAddresses of Workflow Target contains X500" you should try "Changed value of workflow target object property" and enter the text 'X500'

    So in your filtering conditions, you would end up with:

    Proxy Addresses from Requested Changes contains "X500" (quotes added by AR)

  • Hi Johnny, i tried what you put above however that didn't seem to work for me... 

    In the Operator Conditions i have the following: 

    Operation that starts this workflow: Modify Properties

    Target Object Type: User

    Workflow start upon a request for changes to: Any Properties

    Initiator Conditions

    Any User, Container

    Filtering Conditions

    proxyAddresses from Requested Changes contains x500

    Have I missed something in one of the conditions? 


  • Hi  

    I suspect the reason why the workflow isn't being triggered might relate to where the change is being initiated.

    As AAD Connect is changing the ProxyAddresses field natively in AD (as you'd expect), and because a workflow doesn't react to a DirSync Controls from AD, there is no trigger being raised in Active Roles.

    Am I correct in saying that if you manually modify a Users ProxyAddresses to contain an x500 entry, the workflow fires no problem? Then successfully completes whatever your script aims to do?

    The way around this would be to write a policy script which handles changes from DirSync Controls, which either just completes the required changes to the ProxyAddresses field, or sets an attribute to trigger a workflow.

    This script would need to be in an Administration Policy, and you'd want to ensure you only deal with the exact request types you're interesting in, IE:

    if ($Request.Class -ne "user") {return}

    If($(IsAttributeModifed -Attribute "ProxyAddresses" -Object $Request)) {return}