Looking for a way to manage ARS replication roles using powershell | Standalone < > Publisher < > Subscriber

I found this to promote using powershell but does not talk about transitioning to other roles:  https://support.oneidentity.com/active-roles/kb/311101/how-to-promote-an-active-roles-publisher-using-powershell

Please advise if this is even possible using powershell and if so I'd appreciate some pointers.


  • Can you explain a bit more about WHY you want to do this - i.e. what's the end goal or what you do expect to be able to achieve?

    I ask because tickling these roles within Active Roles itself is really not very meaningful as the real core engine behind this whole Publisher / Subscriber concept rests within SQL and modifying the role "labels" which is what Powershell is doing will only get you so far.

  • Can you explain a bit more about WHY you want to do this - i.e. what's the end goal or what you do expect to be able to achieve?

    I ask because tickling these roles within Active Roles itself is really not very meaningful as the real core engine behind this whole Publisher / Subscriber concept rests within SQL and modifying the role "labels" which is what Powershell is doing will only get you so far.
