Looking for a way to manage ARS replication roles using powershell | Standalone < > Publisher < > Subscriber

I found this to promote using powershell but does not talk about transitioning to other roles:  https://support.oneidentity.com/active-roles/kb/311101/how-to-promote-an-active-roles-publisher-using-powershell

Please advise if this is even possible using powershell and if so I'd appreciate some pointers.


Parents Reply
  • Hi  ,

    Could I ask a couple of questions if that's ok?

    1) How are the failovers between data centre's handled? Is it just a manual and/or scripted process, or do you have special product in place like Site Recovery Manager?

    2) Do you know what the rational was for choosing the Publisher Subscriber topology, over using something like SQL Always On or Clustering (etc)?

    3) How big is the (on publisher and subscriber(s) SQL Servers:

    a) Configuration Database

    b) History Database

    c) [on publisher] Distributor database size.

  • Hi  

    1.  As of today, failover/ failback is manual. We have a custom web portal (used for trigger) and I plan to script the ARS failover/ failback process (if at all supported/ possible).

    2.  Not sure really on that.... Been like this for a very long time. I wanted to test SQL Always On option but ran into some internal 'approved/ supported build' type issues.  I think I need to revisit that again now.

    3.  They are about 1.5gb and 3gb in size respectively.

    Thanks again.