Looking for a way to manage ARS replication roles using powershell | Standalone < > Publisher < > Subscriber

I found this to promote using powershell but does not talk about transitioning to other roles:  https://support.oneidentity.com/active-roles/kb/311101/how-to-promote-an-active-roles-publisher-using-powershell

Please advise if this is even possible using powershell and if so I'd appreciate some pointers.


Parents Reply
  • Hi  

    1.  As of today, failover/ failback is manual. We have a custom web portal (used for trigger) and I plan to script the ARS failover/ failback process (if at all supported/ possible).

    2.  Not sure really on that.... Been like this for a very long time. I wanted to test SQL Always On option but ran into some internal 'approved/ supported build' type issues.  I think I need to revisit that again now.

    3.  They are about 1.5gb and 3gb in size respectively.

    Thanks again.

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