Looking for a way to manage ARS replication roles using powershell | Standalone < > Publisher < > Subscriber

I found this to promote using powershell but does not talk about transitioning to other roles:  https://support.oneidentity.com/active-roles/kb/311101/how-to-promote-an-active-roles-publisher-using-powershell

Please advise if this is even possible using powershell and if so I'd appreciate some pointers.


  • I have been recommending SQL Always On / Clustering for Active Roles HA / DR for a few years now.

    The biggest day-to-day benefit IMO has to do with the ease of performing Active Roles upgrades.  Publisher / Subscriber forces you to break the relationship in order to perform the upgrade which is a pain and tends to require longer outage windows. 

    Always On is not without its quirks of course but it does make the above (typically annual) scenario much easier. 

  • Sure. Thanks.

    Let me revisit the SQL Always On with our internal teams.

    As for my original question, is there a way to achieve that using powershell reliably? 

  • Hi  

    I'm personally not aware of a method to automatically fail over the Publisher role between SQL servers, as its more complex that just changing a flag from "Subscriber" to "Publisher", its a similar (if not slight more complex) scenario to moving (more to the point seizing) a FSMO role in AD,

    At a high level the steps (without best practices like backups) would be:

    1) Break all subscribers our of the Pub / Sub topology, making them all standalone

    2) Promote one of the standalone instances to be a publisher (which would create a new distributor DB)

    3) Add subscribers

    4) Clean up original SQL server acting as Publisher

    So for temporary or planned downtime for your Publisher, I'd personally set user/customer expectations rather than "fail over". The effort and risk  involve outweighs the benefit. Pub Sub is more a DR solution, where you can add HA with say SQL clustering.

    I could suggest (as  has mentioned) , SQL Always on would be my preferred HA and DR solution for 99% of customers.

  • Hi  

    I'm personally not aware of a method to automatically fail over the Publisher role between SQL servers, as its more complex that just changing a flag from "Subscriber" to "Publisher", its a similar (if not slight more complex) scenario to moving (more to the point seizing) a FSMO role in AD,

    At a high level the steps (without best practices like backups) would be:

    1) Break all subscribers our of the Pub / Sub topology, making them all standalone

    2) Promote one of the standalone instances to be a publisher (which would create a new distributor DB)

    3) Add subscribers

    4) Clean up original SQL server acting as Publisher

    So for temporary or planned downtime for your Publisher, I'd personally set user/customer expectations rather than "fail over". The effort and risk  involve outweighs the benefit. Pub Sub is more a DR solution, where you can add HA with say SQL clustering.

    I could suggest (as  has mentioned) , SQL Always on would be my preferred HA and DR solution for 99% of customers.

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