PGV UPN Prefix


I have a PGV for the UPN Prefix which is based off the format below. 


Now this works fine if someone is creating a user with a single last name.  Is there a way to reject the PGV if the UPN Prefix contains a space. For example if someone created an account where the last name was Test Team i would want to the UPN suffix to be rejected. 

Thanks in advance 

Parents Reply
  • we only use scripts so im sure we do have some things like this also. Like Johnny said its not easy to throw warnings in gui but you can apply logic, for example we have the same upn policy and we leave given name and sn default because the given name writing might not be wrong but cant be used in mail or upn. so you just take the values from reqeust, remove special charcters and set UPNprefix and Suffix. 

    If you use Web GUI you can add Text to the form so if this part need some special explanation this might be the place, because most peopel try first and then read docus which are located somewhere else

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