User Provision - Exchange Online

Hi Team. 

We are moving to Exchange online from onPrem Exchange. I need to change our user creation process so that it creates it online. 

I am not exactly sure of the process with this now. Can anyone let me know how this is now achieved? 



  • Did you find a way of doing this?  We also need to provision Exchange Online mailboxes for hybrid users.

  • There is built-in functionality in AR whereby if you direct-assign an EOL license to a user via the Web UI, the user should get on-premise mail enabled (Hybrid object) and mailbox enabled in the Cloud.

    If you prefer to use group-based licensing, it's more complicated because the above functionality only works for direct license assignment.

    In the past, I have implemented an Automation Workflow that periodically looks for new users stamped with a "MailEnableMe" flag (my invention) which then uses a script to perform an Enable-RemoteMailbox on the users it finds (via a Search Activity) and places them in an appropriate group used for Office 365 licensing.

  • Many thanks, we do indeed use group-based licensing so I will review the "MailEnableMe" option.  We need something similar to enabling Team voice as well.

  • I have implemented both - here's a high level view:

    Create two Managed Units representing "queues" for:

    Mail Enabling (membership rule looks for users with an attribute [native or virtual] containing MailEnableMe) 
    Teams Voice Enabling (membership rule looks for users with an attribute [native or virtual] containing EnableTeamsVoice) 

    Create a Powershell script that:

    1. Enumerates the MailEnableMe Managed Unit / queue
    2. Performs mail enabling operations
    3. Clears the MailEnableMe flag

    Do the same thing for the Teams piece.

    Add each script as a Script Activity to their own Automation Workflow that is set to run on a schedule (maybe every 15 minutes?)


    1. New User is created
    2. An attribute (real or virtual) is stamped with MailEnableMe
    3. An attribute (real or virtual) is stamped with EnableTeams Voice

    Automation Workflows will fire and their respective scripts will detect the users in the Managed Units and process them.

    The benefit of using the Managed Units is that it gives a visual cue as to how many and what users are waiting for these operations at any given time.

  • thanks Johnny, I've got this working for Exchange mailboxes but the part I'm stuck on is adding the virtual attribute to the web portal.  I've customised the web form for a user in AD, but when I use the Select option for adding a field to a form, my new virtual attribute isn't available.

    I know I'm missing something basic, but I cannot see what!

  • thanks Johnny, I've got this working for Exchange mailboxes but the part I'm stuck on is adding the virtual attribute to the web portal.  I've customised the web form for a user in AD, but when I use the Select option for adding a field to a form, my new virtual attribute isn't available.

    I know I'm missing something basic, but I cannot see what!
