Hello Guys I was looking for a way to add multiple entries: $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting() $APS.Name = 83 $APS.Value = "$GroupGUID" $APE.AddPolicySetting($APS) How can I add multiple GUIDS here.

$APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
$APS.Name = 83
$APS.Value = "$GroupGUID"

How can I add multiple GUIDS here.

Parents Reply Children
  • Sorry, yes I'd declared $EDS_APE_PARAM_GRPGUIDs as 83

  • But its not taking the input from a variable even if its declared as string.

  • # Create a group membership automprovision Administration Policy Entry
    # initialise objects
    $POObject = $null
    $APE = $Null
    # Define constants
    $EDS_APE_TTYPE_GroupAuto     = 0x33
    $EDS_APE_PARAM_PolicyID      = 59
    $EDS_APE_PARAM_68             = 68
    $EDS_APE_PARAM_GRPGUIDs      = 83
    $EDS_APE_PARAM_ACTION        = 84
    $EDS_APE_PARAM_POLCON        = 85
    $EDS_APE_PARAM_203             = 203
    # Entry variables
        # Policy Error
        $PolicyError = "Provisioning policy failure. The 'Group Membership AutoProvisioning' policy encountered an error.;"
        # Policy Object Type
        $PolicyObjectType = 'user'
        # Action
        $PolicyAdd = "0x0"
        $PolicyRem = "0x1"
        $PolicyCondition = "<PolicyCondition Version=`"1.0`"/>"
        # Policy Description
        $PolicyDescription = "Automatically adds or removes specified objects from specified groups"
        # Policy Setting GUID
        $PolicyGUID = New-Guid
        # Get array of objectGUIDs
        $GroupGUIDs = [string[]](Get-QADGroup -LdapFilter "(&(objectClass=group)(samAccountName=test*))").guid.guid
        # Define the AP to bind to
        $POName = "EDMS://CN=AP1,CN=Administration,CN=Policies,CN=Configuration"
        # Bind to existing Administration Policy
        $POObject = [ADSI]$POName
        # Add a new Policy Entry
        $APE = $POObject.CreatePolicyEntry()
        # Set the Policy Entry Type - 33 = Group Memembership autoProvisioning
        $APE.type = $EDS_APE_TTYPE_GroupAuto
    # Add AP Entry
        # 1 - Error Message
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Value = $PolicyError
        # 50 - Object Type
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Value = $PolicyObjectType
        # 57 - Description
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Value = $PolicyDescription
        # 68 - TBC
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Name = $EDS_APE_PARAM_68
        $APS.Value = "0x1"
        # 83 - Groups to be add to or removed from
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Name = $EDS_APE_PARAM_GRPGUIDs 
        $APS.Values = $GroupGUIDs
        # 84 - Policy Action
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Name = $APS.Name = $EDS_APE_PARAM_ACTION
        $APS.Value = $PolicyAdd
        # 85 - Policy Condition
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Value = $PolicyCondition
        # 203 - TBC
        $APS = $APE.CreatePolicySetting()
        $APS.Name = $EDS_APE_PARAM_203
        $APS.Value = "0"

    The above is code I used for testing.

    So the issue here is that you need to use the Values property of the APS, but it expect a string array (or GUIDs), not an object array.

    All I changed in my code was to cast the results of my query (about line 42) to be a string array.

    I couldn't remember what a couple of the constant values were, incase you're wondering why some of the comments say TBC.

  • Unable to cast object of type 'System.String[]' to type 'System.String' Still the same issue Disappointed

  • I think $GroupGUIDs needs to be a string list.  The SDK shows an example of how to declare that.

    The best thing to do then is iterate the list of group guida returned by get-adgroup and add them to the string list using a loop.

    The tricky bit there is that you first  have to convert each returned GUiD itself to a string in the right format before adding it to the string list.

  • Could you please share some example

  • Is it possible to update the group membership on a later time after creating the provisioning policy through PowerShell?

  • amitsingh - did you ever get an example - or get this group as stringlist suggestion to work?   

    Catching up here, with the same  net result - and I only have one group to add the computer too