return $false on a sync step with powershell

Dear community.

I am trying to synchronize the status of the groups of AD in ServiceNow.

ServiceNow has a field called active that can be true or false (Boolean). As the groups in AD don't have this field, I am checking if the group is in a certain OU and returning true or false accordingly.

However, I get an error "String was not recognized as a valid Boolean."

This is the code

$GroupName = $srcObj["name"];
$Logfile = "C:\Temp\DebugStatus.txt"
[bool] $active
Connect-QADService -proxy

$dN = (Get-QADGroup -identity $GroupName ).DirectoryEntry.distinguishedName
if ($dN -like '*,OU=Deprovisioned Groups,*')
  $message = $active.gettype().fullname
  Add-Content $Logfile $message
  $message = $GroupName + $active
  Add-Content $Logfile $message
  $message = $active.gettype().fullname
  Add-Content $Logfile $message
  $message = $GroupName + $active
  Add-Content $Logfile $message
return $active;

I have tried passing directly $false, $true, 0, 1 .... 

In the log file that I create for the checking of the script I get this (which is type, group name and content of the boolean variable)

Test deprovisioned group False

Can you tell me how should I specify to get it done?

Best regards

  • Hello,

    In my testing, the issue doesn't seem to be with your code or returning a boolean value, but with needing to suppress the output generated by the 'Connect-QADService' cmdlet.

    Try the below line for connecting to Active Roles. This resolved the same issue/error I was also seeing in my lab.

    Connect-QADService -Proxy | Out-Null

  • This worked perfectly!!

    Thank you very much. May I ask:

    -How did you get to see the real result? to see that it connect-qadservice was sending some info as well

    -Where can I find information about QAD in general? For get, set and so on. I have tried but there isn't a lot of info

    Best regards

  • Great, glad to hear that helped! You can't really see the information returned in the Sync Service, but you see that information does get returned when running the Connect-QADService in a PowerShell window. When I was testing parts of the code outside of the Sync Service, I noticed that data does get returned when running that command and that reminded me that there are times when the output needs to be suppressed. So, Out-Null is a way to suppress the output from a given command.

    You can redirect the output of Get-ARCommand from within the Active Roles Management Shell. You can run: 'Get-ARCommand | Get-Help -Full > ARMgmtShellHelp.txt'. This will output the full help information, including examples, for all AR Management Shell cmdlets.

  • On a side note, maybe there is a reason you are doing the Connect-QADService to then search AD through AR for the Group's DN value. However, the $SrcObj in the Sync Service is a pointer to the object in AD. So, just like you are obtaining the Group's name you can also get the Group's DN value in the same fashion: $dN = $SrcObj["distinguishedname"]. This should work for any attribute on the SrcObj. This way you can skip the Connect-QADService and then running the Get-QADGroup cmdlet.

  • Yes, I realized of that.

    At the end my script is quite more simpler Slight smile

    $GroupName = $srcObj["name"];
    if ($GroupName -like '*Deprovisioned*')
      Return $false;
      Return $true

    In any case I use the connect-qadservice in other scripts where I need to modify some attribute and use the -control to write in the change history

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